Title: Ren Jing
Made in Singapore
14.5cm x 15.5cm x 22cm
Spray paint, inks and glow in the dark decal
There's a distinctive definition for each country - shaped by the politics, hopes, fears and its unique resource. Angola has its diamonds; Brunei is oil-rich. In Singapore, people, not tourism, are the resource and the nation's main source of income. Through taxes, rising price of HDB flats, stagnant wages and more, we are a golden resource that generates value for our safe, clean but harsh country - our future is bleak and we fear the worst for our next generation. 'Ren Jing' is a direct translation that refers to man gold. It defines the situation Singaporeans are facing. Like gold, our value will never go down and the demand is always high. At the same time, it takes everything away from us and promises nothing in return.