Damn right son. The wolves are back destroying shits. Now, in Hong Kong, where the alleys are congested, tungsten light signages illuminate the night time streets, and the buildings are damn straight right in your face where you can see your neighbor taking a dump. That's Hong Kong for you. The RSCLS and fellow friend, Neo, paid a visit to the local graffiti boys in their home town, bombing, throwing and tagging up the whole streets of the gang infested island. Traveling and painting from the renown Mong Kok Hall of Fame to the abandoned haunted suburbs of an old radio station. Let's just say it's paying our dues since we have a strict law back in Singapore. Experiencing the cold weather of 20 degrees we enjoyed the hot beef noodles and the legendary butter bun for breakfast. So that's November for you, time to pack up for the next trip, DSTRY TAIWAN.