It's time to check your daily time table, pack your text book and put on your white canvas shoes. Antz and Clogtwo from RSCLS decided to give back to community by producing a 15m by 3m mural at Coral Secondary school's art room. Antz and Clogtwo both painted giant owls and pigeons in rendition of their own style, accompanied with a mass pile up of art materials. The mural contains two owls which represent the wise teachings and knowledge that is passed down from teachers to students. And the pigeons represent the artistic freedom of a young's mind. Both artists took 4 days and total of 150 cans to complete the mural.
The Airborne Messenger Pigeon (2.8m x 2m) - For Honor and Glory
King Owl (3m x 2.4m) - Knowledge is King.
The Peace Pigeon (2.8m x 3m) - There is no way to peace, peace is the way.
The Wise Owl (2.8m x 2.5m) - Knowledge talks, Wisdom listens.
Below are a few images of close-ups and the whole mural. Also we would like to thank Syamim of FukuSuru and Mdm Norzalina of Coral Secondary for giving us the opportunity to paint and inhale fumes. Hazrin and Noob for helping us out completing the mural. Our greatest gratitude.

All images are copyrighted (c) 2011 by Clogtwo