When there's nothing else to burn, you set yourself on fire.
Clogtwo's first solo graffiti mural at the Somerset Skatepark, Singapore. Three days in the making under the hot sun and rain, the ultimate weather combo, and finally, it's completed. Five decomposing humans and a graffiti piece. Click here for a full production upsize.

Some zombies doing a group photo.
Spent the first day focusing on the facial details and sketch lines to accomplish a comic style.

This one is just a loner.
The 3rd day zombie. Last one to be completed.

Process Stage.
Day 01: Working from 1500hrs to 1900hrs.

Day 02: Clogtwo working on his piece.
Day 03: Working on the last zombie. Timed it for 30 minutes as it was already 1800hrs and it was getting dark.

Night time soon consumed us. All the zombies had a little surprise from a female companion. Angelina Jolie look alike.