Finally it's over after 3 long weekends. Travelling from Tampines mall to Downtown East Pasir Ris to our last destination, Marina Square. Slacsatu and Clogtwo had produced a total of 24 artworks all together. From landscape painting to stencil illustration on a 1m by 1m chipboard and spray paints. Honestly, the three weeks have been hell. Slacsatu had to travel from the westside to the Far East of Singapore. As for Clogtwo, location isn't much of a problem, but it gave his fingers cramp after cutting layers and layers of stencils.
But it was fun seeing old peeps and fans dropping by, watching us paint and have a nice chat.
So here you go cloggers, the long and awaited Marina Square live painting canvases.
(Photos credit of Phadz and Clogtwo).
Soldier Boys
(1942-1945, British, Dutch and Indian Soldier's equipments and uniforms).
Spray paint on 1m X 1m Chipboard.
(Sir Stamford Raffles, Founder of Singapore).
Spray paint on 1m X 1m Chipboard.
The Legendary Kallang Stadium
(1973 - 2007, Rest Well Our Beloved Stadium).
Spray paint on 1m X 1m Chipboard.
Spray paint on 1m X 1m Chipboard.